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 1. We Are Hex  Birthplace Of The Mystics  Hail The Goer  
 2. Sten Hanson  07.The Birthplace of Matter  The John Carter Song Book 
 3. Sten Hanson  03. The birthplace of matter  Secret Connection 
 4. Gabriel Welsch  QA Welsch Birthplace  From the Fishouse 
 5. Eric Langhorst  Speaking of History #143 - Harry S Truman Birthplace   
 6. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Hosted by Nathan Wright  Gary Boatright Jr., Joseph Smith Jr. Birthplace—Sharon, Vermont  Legacy 
 7. Govinda  Erotic Mystics  Entwined and Entranced 
 8. Time-Life Music - The Rock'n'Roll Era  The Mystics - Hushabye  1959 - Still Rockin' 
 9. Stephen F. Austin State University Concert Band Fred Allen, Director  Entrance of the Mystics  Northeastern Music Pub. Vol. 5 
 10. Trevor Jones  The Battle/Mystics Travelling #2  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
 11. Trevor Jones  Observatory Destroyed/Mystics Set Out  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
 12. Alex Smith  Fantasy of the Temporal Mystics  CMC 6 
 13. Howard Schwartz  Tales of the great Jewish mystics  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 14. bLiNd  Chrono Trigger Pipe Dream Mystics OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 15. bLiNd  Chrono Trigger Pipe Dream Mystics OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 16. bLiNd  Chrono Trigger Pipe Dream Mystics OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 17. bLiNd  Chrono Trigger Pipe Dream Mystics OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 18. Trevor Jones  Opening Titles and Main Theme/Mystics' Sandpainting  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
 19. Trevor Jones  Kira Free/Jen Goes In Search/Mystic Disintegrates/Mystics Travelling #3  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
 20. Trevor Jones  Batbirds Dispatched/Environmental Musical Sounds/Gelfling Song/Batbird Brought Down/Mystics Travelling #1  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
 21. Trevor Jones  Gelfling Frightens The Skeksis/The Crystal Made Whole/Mystics And Skeksis Fuse/Finale/End Credits  The Dark Crystal [Disc 2] 
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